1:1 Chromebook Information

1:1 Chromebook Presentation

*Do not remove any asset tags or stickers from the Chromebooks and chargers*

Student Device Agreement

The school division is pleased to be able to begin to offer students devices for their academic use. Devices offer mobility and the ability to take them home to complete work for school.

Students who are issued a device must agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Devices are the property of the Bedford County Public Schools and may only be used for educational purposes. It may only be used by the student to whom it is assigned.  The student must understand and agree that he/she has no expectation of privacy in materials sent, received, or stored on the device.  The School Board is not responsible for malfunction of the device, nor any unauthorized charge or fee resulting from the use of the device. Note: No Internet filter is 100% effective. A filter may still allow information that is objectionable or potentially offensive to students to be accessed. Students need to report sites that should potentially be blocked to their teacher.

  2. Devices may be taken home or to other locations after school hours by the student. However, the student is responsible at all times for its care and appropriate use.  The student understands that he/she is being issued the original power supply for the device. No additional power supply will be provided for the student by the division. Replacement of lost, damaged, or stolen power supplies are the sole responsibility of the student.

  3. Students assigned a device must have a signed copy of the Bedford County Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy on file.

  4. Students assigned a device MUST notify their teacher immediately if the device is lost or stolen.  If the student fails to notify the teacher, he/she will be responsible for damage caused by such failure, including, but not limited to, any damages caused by the breach of the school system’s network server or the loss of confidential information.  

  5. Devices are configured to be used on the school network. The Technology Department will not be able to assist students at their homes in order to connect it to other Internet providers.

  6. Students must periodically check devices for updates. All devices must be turned in at the end of the school year.

  7. Division and school policies regarding appropriate use, data protection, computer misuse, and safety must be adhered to by the user. Please refer to Bedford County Public Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy.  No software Apps or applications may be installed on division devices by the student.

  8. Loss or damage to the device resulting from misuse, neglect, or abuse will require that the student reimburse the school division.

Student Device Agreement

Please complete the information below. Signing indicates you have read and understand the 1:1 Device Program Guidelines, Procedures, and Information Parent/Student Handbook.

Student Name

Student Signature                                                                                                                                              Date

*Student #


Parent Name                                                                                                                                                       Date

Parent Signature

*Student #, if the student # is not known, school personnel will complete this section.